Waste Management in Los Angeles

Waste collection at home

The diversity of habitat encountered within the same city requires different collection methods, such as:

  • Residential area collected in individual or collective bins;
  • Vertical housing in collective bins (with layout of the premises cleanliness) ;
  • Isolated dwellings in collective bins….

In 2019, for a population of 3,936M4, 845,843.63 T of O.M. and 334,723.64 T of bulky items have collected in Los Angeles. The waste produced by families is dumped in wheeled bins in the framework of three service contracts; a collection of bulky and large waste
plants is also carried out door to door.

This collection is made in part by the staff and resources of the city with rented trucks and partly by refuse tampers 16 m3 housewives which have the advantage of having a yield of at least three times superior to others but they are expensive. Then the waste is deposited at the recycling transit centers, then picked up and transferred to the warehouses of waste operated by the state: 498,232 tonnes of waste
from all over the territory are buried at a cost of $130,510,395 including tax.

In 2018, in order to better manage waste management in Los Angeles, the number of households dumpsters has gone from two garbage bins, one for recyclables (1505.51 T i.e. 27.05 kg / inhabitant / year) and the other for waste produced by households.

Composting of fermentable waste in the garden

This method of waste management consists of extracting the waste fermentable products (garden plants and kitchen waste) from the production of household waste by providing them with a bio-composter.

This has been operational since 1999. As of December 31, 2019, 670 biocomposters with a capacity of 350 liters as well as 1,930 bio-composters of 750 liters capacity are in service on the territory, of which 534 and 1,395 in the territory of the municipality of Los Angeles.

In total, 222,600 households and establishments are concerned. Since the distribution of these bio-composters, plants, sent to the local waste reception centers, passed 2,085 m3 in 2019.

However, this operation, carried out since 1999, is running out of steam as the as the staff hired to promote this equipment is not properly trained in modern waste management techniques.

In addition, the population no longer adheres to this practice. To succeed the compost, the population must scrupulously respect the fermentation process of its waste, which is not acquired even if it has been sufficiently sensitized and this approach requires, in particular, regular monitoring in order to avoid possible foul odors.

The residents of Los Angeles must be more aware of sustainability, pollution and recycling. It is the duty of the government to spread the word about best waste management practices. Use less plastic, consume reasonably, rent a dumpster for Spring cleaning to declutter the house, etc.

Many local residents do not know that it is very easy to remove old junk from your home or office. Type dumpster rental near me in google and they can find local providers in recycling and waste disposal services.

Posted in Pollution.